Scenic White Rock Lake Park

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Inventory of Extant Permanent Structures
at White Rock Lake Park

Please note: This is a "work in progess." I will be adding information from time to time, as it becomes available to me, and/or making corrections where necessary.

I was able to compile the following list thanks mainly to the bountiful assistance of Jay Firsching of Architexas. The list includes the following information:

  • Name of structure
  • Year or approximate year built
  • Name of designer or architect
  • Name of entity responsible for erecting the structure

I compiled this list for a number of reasons, not the least of which was to address the misconception that many people seem to have, that everything at White Rock Lake Park was constructed by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration. While it is true that a signficant number of park improvements were made at that time (principally by the Civilian Conservation Corps or CCC), some of the park's buildings pre-date that era and some, of course, were built afterward.

Another reason for this list is that I recently learned the City of Dallas is considering applying for National Historical Register status for all of White Rock Lake Park. As a historian and a native Dallasite, I am firmly in favor of that proposition. Perhaps this inventory will be of some use to any interested parties in that effort.

My principal sources were the original architectural drawings and plans of the structures, which have been cataloged by Jay Firsching of Architexas and which probably, by the time you read this, will be housed in the archives of the City of Dallas (administered by Mr. John Slate), where researchers may access them.

I invite comments, suggestions, and corrections. My email address is near the bottom of the page.

  • DOI - United States Dept. of the Interior
  • NPS - National Park Service
  • COD - City of Dallas
  • CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps
  • WPA - Works Progress Administration
  • CWA - Civil Works Administration
  • bef. - Before
  • aft. - After
  • abt. - About/Approximately
  • prob.- Probably
  • ? - Information Uncertain
Structure Name Year Built Designer or
Built By
East Lawther Drive Entrance Portal 1938 M. A. Burke DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
East Lawther Drive
Lake "Rip-Rap" Retaining Wall
1939-1940 no designer DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Winfrey Point Recreation Bldg. 1941-1942 Paul E. Pressler DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Winfrey Point Baseball Diamonds abt. 1954
Sunset Bay Recreation Bldg. 1937 M. A. Burke DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Sunset Bay Caretaker's Cottage 1937 M. A. Burke DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
McThurman Branch Bridge 1935-1937
Dixon Branch Automobile Bridge 1937 H. C. Moore DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Dixon Branch Area Picnic Pavilion 1934 Martin C. Kleuser? COD/CWA
Dixon Branch Stone Picnic Tables abt. 1931
Dixon Branch Area Lily Pond
& Foot Bridge
1937 W. S. McCommas DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Dixon Branch Area Water Fountain 1937
Dixon Branch Area Latrine 1937
Bath House & Bathing Beach 1930 Carsey & Linskie COD
Bath House Parking Lot 1940
Big Thicket Recreation Bldg. bef. 1940 M. A. Burke? DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Boy Scout Hill Picnic Shelter

Peavy Road Picnic Shelter

Doran's Point Overlook
- "Flag Pole Hill"
1935-37 W. S. McCommas? DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Flag Pole Hill Athletic Bldg. prob. 1935-1936 prob. M. A. Burke prob. DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Flag Pole Hill Picnic Pavilion 1935-36 M. A. Burke? DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Flag Pole Hill Latrine abt. 1936 M. A. Burke? DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Park Maintenance Bldg.
(orig. Concession Bldg.)
1936-37 Prob. M. A. Burke DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Park Maintenance Latrine 1936-37 M. A. Burke DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Park Maintenance Garage 1936-37 Prob. M. A. Burke DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
West Lawther Drive Entrance Portal 1998? N.A. Unknown
T P Hill Picnic Shelter

T P Hill Latrine late 1930s/early 1940s M. A. Burke? DOI-NPS-CCC/COD
Boat House 1930 Carsey & Linskie COD
Fish Hatchery (now closed) 1930
Filtration Plant 1923 David Morey, Jr. COD
Pump House 1911 J. M. Preston,
City Engineer
Dam & Spillway 1910-11 J. M. Preston,
City Engineer

This website copyright © 1996-2017 by Steven Butler, Ph.D. All rights reserved.